Liakouras Petros


Visiting Scholar

Professor of International Law Department of International and European Studies School of Economics, Business and International Studies University of Piraeus


Professor of International Law
Department of International and European Studies
School of Economics, Business and International Studies
University of Piraeus

A policy-oriented academic, expert and advisor of international law.
A graduate of Yale, Temple and Athens Universities and of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation.
Teaches International Law, Law of the Sea, International Institutions, Negotiation – Mediation, International Energy Law and Greek Foreign Policy, at the Department of International and European Studies of Piraeus University (2001-…).
Director of the Post-Graduate Program on “International and European Studies” (2020-…), Director of the Research Center on “Negotiation and Mediation” (2015-…), formerly Deputy Head(2015-2020), at Department of International and European Studies of Piraeus University.
Affiliation with Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Previously, member of the National Council of Foreign Policy, Director of Research of the Policy Planning Center. Since 2000 member of the legal team for the exploratory contacts with Turkey, memberof the Legal Advisory Council,academic staff at the Policy Planning Center, and policy advisor. Member of the Greek delegation in bilateral negotiations on maritime delimitation with Italy, Egypt, Albania,in the International Conference on Cyprus (Geneva, Mont Pelerin and Crans Montana- 2017), and of the legal team drafting the Prespa Agreement (2018).
Also worked as a legal officer at the (former) European Commission (now merged with the European Court) of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, in Strasburg.
Member of the Naturalization Committee, Hellenic Ministry of the Interior (2013-…).
Vice President of the Board of the Hellenic Association of International Law and International Relations (2007-2017), member of the Board of International Law Association (ILA, Hellenic Branch 2019-…), member of the Board of the Institute of Law of the Sea and Maritime Law, Rhodes (2016-…). Member of the Greek Turkish Forum (GTF, 2019-…).
Author of books and articles -and panelist- on the law of the sea, the law of treaties, the Cyprus question, the cyber warfare, the regulation of military means, use of force and self-defense, and the national and collective security in the international arena, the contemporary self-determination, secession, human rights, the legal dimensions of Greek-Turkish relations, and on the policy oriented (legal realism) approach in International Law.