The Department of Computer Science of Neapolis University Pafos and the Hellenic Educational Robotics Organization – H.E.R.O. signed on the 18th of May 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding to grant Neapolis University Pafos the rights to organize the Olympiad of Robotics Sports and to represent the “MINOAN ROBOTSPORTS COMPETITION GLOBAL OLYMPIAD” Trademark in Cyprus as a national competition.
The M.O.U. outlines the strategic framework for the organization of the Olympiad and consolidates the commitment of both parties to expand the cooperation network and promote advancements in the field of robotics. The aim of the Olympiad of Robotics Sports is to foster in the participants creativity, teamwork, problem solving, innovation and healthy competition, while at the same time being taught through sports robotics, engineering, programming, mathematics and physics.
The Hellenic Educational Robotics Organization – H.E.R.O. is a non-profit organization that was established in 2021 in Greece with the aim of developing and spreading educational robotics and STEAM in Greece. The objective of H.E.R.O. is the organization of World Robotics Competitions in Greece, as well as non-profit actions, exhibitions, festivals, etc. in the field of educational robotics, new technologies and STEAM.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on behalf of Neapolis University Pafos by Professor Savvas Chatzichristofis, Vice Rector of Research and Innovation and on behalf of the Hellenic educational Robotics – H.E.R.O. by President, Mr. Manos Velidakis.