Summer School JMCoE VisuALEU Academy 2022

July 25, 2022

This year’s JMCoE VisuALEU Academy Summer School was successfully organized and hosted by Neapolis University Pafos, from Monday 11 to Friday 15 July 2022.

The Summer School is an annual, international event focusing on EU policy analysis and EU social and external affairs.

A group of distinguished academics/teachers from the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Visualising, Analyzing and Learning about EU Studies – VisuALEU” as well as from Peloponnese University and Neapolis University Pafos conducted intensive sessions providing high value learning and interactive workshops to the participants in two parts:

A) the Social and External Affairs part, which focuses on panoramic views of EU knowledge focusing on integration, world politics, social policies, values, local government and multiculturalism and serves as a unique picture of European integration together with the EU’s knowledge of security and strategic policies. governance and issues of trust and multicultural diversity.

B) The Policy Analysis part, which is essentially multidisciplinary, focusing on policy content analysis and the use of software and analysis techniques for policy analysis with Eurostat data.

Watch all 5 days of the Summer School on the University’s YouTube channel. 


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