Dr Markus Jatsch at Neapolis University in Cyprus

November 20, 2013

Under the heading “Lemesos: A renewed coastal metropolis! Architecture and Identity”, the Limassol Municipality organized on November 18, 2013 an event with main speaker Dr. Markus Jatsch, who gave a lecture on “Urban Waterfronts and Sustainable Regeneration-The work of Martha Swartz Partners”. Martha Schwartz is considered one of the leading Landscape Architects, with significant projects around the world. Among the sponsors of the event was the Leptos Group, which was represented by Mr. Pantelis Leptos, Director of Leptos Group – Leptos Estates and President of the Association of Businesspersons Land Developers. The Neapolis University in Cyprus was represented by Dr. Julia Georgi, Assoc. Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of European Programs at Neapolis University in Cyprus and former collaborator of Professor Martha Swartz. Dr. Markus Jatsch, at the invitation of Mr. P. Leptos, visited Paphos, where he met with Mr. Michael Leptos, Chairman of the Group of Companies Leptos and President of the Council of Neapolis University in Cyprus and also visited the University and the site of Neapolis Smart Eco City. Then he gave a lecture to the students of the Department of Architecture in the presence of Dr. George Artopoulos, Lecturer in Architecture Neapolis University in Cyprus and exchanged interesting views with the students.