Bachelor in Digital Business

The BSc in Digital Business aims to provide a gateway for students who have a “globally entrepreneurial mindset” for international careers in 21st century digitised businesses. This unique programme will be one of the few in the world in which students will focus on learning how to manage digital systems and how to use these systems to make data-based decisions



240 ECTS





The necessity for the creation of a BSc in Digital Business is based on the fact that in most business sectors, such as banks, retail, hotels, music and bookings, products, services, and marketing have become increasingly digital. This digital revolution has transformed the very nature of these industries and the way businesses are competing and advertising, but also the way they price their products. Future executives and managers should understand both the economics, business practices and core elements of the underlying technology.

The BSc in Digital Business aims to provide a gateway for students who have a “globally entrepreneurial mindset” for international careers in 21st century digitised businesses. This unique programme will be one of the few in the world in which students will focus on learning how to manage digital systems and how to use these systems to make data-based decisions, to guide complex and diverse teams in digital projects and finally, how to recruit new talent. More specifically, the Bachelor in Digital Business aims to:

  • Provide theoretical and practical knowledge towards enabling students to manage digital businesses and operate in the contemporary digital environment.
  • Introduce students to the importance of digital marketing for digital businesses and enable them to use digital marketing tools for building a marketing strategy.
  • Develop knowledge in using new technologies, software, web applications and digital communication networks.
  • Provide an understanding of the digital transformation of business and how the contemporary political, economic and social context impart digital businesses.
  • Provide knowledge in research methods and techniques useful to develop research projects and independent study.
  • Present and explain the principles of business management, global entrepreneurship, finance and accounting, equipping students with skills for working in digital business or creating and running their own digital business.
  • Explain the risks related to cybersecurity and provide knowledge on how they can operate in a safe and secure manner.
  • Develop students’ professional skills and ethical behaviour while enabling them to work in groups effectively, respecting diversity, communicating clearly with others, developing self-management, and providing solutions to real-life problems.


Upon completing the BSc in Digital Business, students are expected to be able to:

  • PLO1: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of digital business and understand the modern trends of the digital business transformation.
  • PLO2: Achieve competencies in analysis of the digital business strategy, leadership and financing, and understand the contemporary political, economic and social context of digital business environment.
  • PLO3: Understand and implement key concepts related to digital marketing, including consumer behaviour, e-commerce marketing and social media marketing.
  • PLO4: Analyse, design and manage systems used by digital businesses; computers, databases, big data and communication networks.
  • PLO5: Gain knowledge in applying ICT methods and tools, and implement, control, and maintain computer programs used by digital businesses.
  • PLO6: Develop knowledge in research methods and undertake research projects in relevant topics and issues.
  • PLO7: Understand and use digital technology and architecture in operating a digital business and recognise the importance of disruptive technologies, web applications and software management, including digital business issues of cybersecurity.
  • PLO8: Develop communication skills both verbally, and in writing, to effectively communicate with clients and suppliers, and communicate the requirements, specifications and design of products or services.
  • PLO9: Collaborate effectively in diverse groups and work as a member of team in real-life problem solving issues.
  • PLO10: Understand the significant role of professional and ethical behaviour in the business world and digital businesses.


The Bachelor’s teaching methodology involves a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, examinations, projects, presentations, assignments, case-study applications and independent research. In addition, it is designed to provide an academic experience going beyond that of the traditional classroom, in which the flow of information is primarily from the instructor to the student. The intention of the Bachelor in Digital Business is that each participant will contribute to the education of the entire class though active participation in the learning procedure. The BSc in Digital Business follows a student-centered strategy based on a mix of various active learning techniques aiming to embed real-life scenarios and theoretical knowledge to the Bachelor’s core of activities towards equipping students with necessary professional skills and up-to-date knowledge in the field of digital business. For this reason, formative assessments (not graded) and simulation games have been included and mapped in each syllabus. In addition, the BSc in Digital Entrepreneurship is included in the NUP initiative entitled Neapolis Experiential Studying Tasks-NEST, which aims for the summative assignments to be built in collaboration with our external network of businesses and organisations. Moreover, the learning experience is advanced by working on simulation games in order to understand real-life needs of digital businesses.

30% or 40% of the students’ final grade in each course corresponds to their performance in the midterm assessment and other interactive graded activities, whereas 60% or 70% – respectively to midterm assessment – corresponds to their performance in the final exams. In order to secure a passing grade in a course, students need to secure a passing grade (i.e. 50% or higher) in all assessment components.



CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
ECON101Principles of MicroeconomicsCompulsory6
BUSN100Introduction to BusinessCompulsory6
MATH103Introduction to MathematicsCompulsory6
CS111Introduction to Computer ScienceCompulsory6
CS112Programming Principles ICompulsory6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
CS124Management Information SystemsCompulsory6
BUSN203Business FinanceCompulsory6
STAT103Statistics ICompulsory6
BUSN104 Principles of MarketingCompulsory6
ECON102Principles of MacroeconomicsCompulsory6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
DBA201Digital BusinessCompulsory6
DBA202Digital EconomyCompulsory6
BUSN207Marketing ManagementCompulsory6
BUSN301Human Resource ManagementCompulsory6
CS233Linear AlgebraCompulsory6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
ACCN203Financial Analysis and Business ValuationCompulsory6
BUSN103Business LawCompulsory6
CS232Communication networksCompulsory6
BUSN303Small Business ManagementCompulsory6
BUSN412Research MethodsCompulsory6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
BUSN302Consumer BehaviorCompulsory6
DBA304Digital LeadershipCompulsory6
DBA301Disruptive TechnologiesCompulsory6
DBA306Social Media ManagementCompulsory6
ACCN401Corporate Governance & Business EthicsElective6
DBA205Trading TechnologyElective6
*In the 5th semester, students have to choose one of the two electives.


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
DBA303Digital MarketingCompulsory6
DBA305Entrepreneurship DigitalizationCompulsory6
DBA302Global Enterprise: Culture, Management and DigitalisationCompulsory6
CS363Principles of CybersecurityCompulsory6
CSE05Data Science and Big DataElective6
CSE03Distributed Ledger TechnologiesElective6
CS352Software Project ManagementElective6
*In the 6th semester, students have to choose one of the three electives.


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
BUSN401Business StrategyCompulsory6
DBA403Social Media MarketingCompulsory6
BUSN408Business Decision-MakingElective6
DBA401Entrepreneurship FinanceElective6
*In the 7th semester, students have to choose either BUSN411 or the other two electives.


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
BUSN405Project ManagementCompulsory6
CS364Web Application TechnologiesCompulsory6
DBA406Digital Innovation ManagementCompulsory6


In order to be admitted into the BSc in Digital Business, candidates must possess a Secondary School Certificate with a grade no less than 14/20 or equivalent, or an International Baccalaureate Diploma with at least 26 points, or any other equivalent secondary education diploma. The general admission criteria are based on the type and quality of previous studies, the grade obtained in previous studies and the suitability of the candidate for the BSc in Digital Business of study that has been applied for.

The programme Coordinator will be actively involved in the review of applications and his approval will be required before admitting any student into the Bachelor in Digital Business.

A student who applies for the Bachelor in Digital Business should submit the following documents:

  • Application form
  • ID/Passport copy
  • Secondary School Leaving Certificate
  • English language certificate
  • Two passport photos


The University reserves its right to define the electives offered on an academic year basis.

The programme structure may change without prior notice, as a result of quality assurance procedures or/and programme recertification.


Register your interest and one of our admissions consultants will contact you with guidance and additional information.


Christos Christodoulou-Volos

Associate Professor of Economics and Finance

Head of the Department of Economics and Business

Dr. Christos N. Christodoulou-Volos is an Associate Professor of Economics and Finance and the Head of the Department of Economics and Business...

Andreas Hadjixenophontos

Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance

Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance

Coordinator of the BSc Accounting, Banking and Finance and MSc Accounting and Finance

Dr. Andreas Hadjixenophontos is an Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance. He graduated in 1985 from the Department of Accounting and Finance of the London School of Economics...

Savvas Chatzichristofis

Professor of Artificial Intelligence

Head of the Department of Computer Science

Coordinator of the Bachelor in Applied Computer Science

Savvas A. Chatzichristofis pursued the Diploma and the Ph.D. degree (with honors) both from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece...

Christos Papademetriou

Assistant Professor in Management - Human Resources Management

Coordinator of the Distance Master in Business Administration (DMBA)

Christos Papademetriou holds a doctorate (PhD) in Social Science from the University of Leicester, UK. The title of his thesis is “Investigating the Impact of Sequential Cross-Cultural Training on the Level of Sociocultural and Psychological Adjustment of Expatriate Mangers”...

Andreas Masouras

Assistant Professor in Communication and Marketing

Coordinator of the MBA

Dr Andreas Masouras is Assistant Professor at Neapolis University in the fields of Marketing and Communication. He holds a PhD (Honors) from the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese...

Nikolaos Apostolopoulos

Visiting Research Fellow in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Dr Nikolaos Apostolopoulos is an Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Neapolis University Pafos. He also acts as a Scientific Advisor at the Labour Institute (INE-GSEE)...

George Demetriades

Assistant Professor in International Trade Law - Banking Law - Competition Law

Coordinator of the Master (MA) in Financial Crime and Criminal Justice

Dr. George Demetriades graduated with a law degree (LLB Law) from the University of Leicester in 2007. Later on, he joined the College of Law (Birmingham) for the Bar Vocational Course...

Konstantinos Zagoris

Lecturer in Databases and Distributed Systems

Coordinator of ERASMUS, InternshipInternship, Student Affairs

Dr Konstantinos Zagoris received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003 from Democritus University of Thrace, Greece and his PhD on Content and Metadata Based Image Document Retrieval from the same university in 2010...

Panayiotis Christodoulou

Visiting Lecturer of Computer Science

Panayiotis Christodoulou holds a PhD in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Manchester University, UK (MEng) and the Frederick University...