

For Reviewers

All submissions are received by the section editors, who decide whether papers seem to fit the journal’s general specifications. After the first decision to either “Accept for Review”, “Reject” or “Accept Contingent on Revisions”, they then can forward the manuscript to one or two peer reviewers, following a double-blind peer review process. If they recommend a paper for revision or publication, the paper is sent back to the editor for a final decision. At this point, the editor makes one of three decisions: Accept; Accept Contingent on Revisions; or Reject.

The “Accept Contingent on Revisions” is like the “Revise and Resubmit” response that scholars receive from professional scholarly journals they submit work to, with one difference. In faculty journals, “Revise and Resubmit” does not mean that the journal will necessarily accept the revised submission. However, at NSSL, we commit to publishing an article if the writer does put in sufficient time and effort to revise the original draft. If your submission receives an “Accept Contingent on Revisions” response, it is contingent on you actually making the revisions you have been tasked with carrying out, but you can consider this as a response on our intention to publish your manuscript.